Klaipėdos Duona / Klaipėda Bread
Klaipėdos duona is one of the oldest and bigest bread bakery in Lithuania. The names of the bread products were inspired by old Lithuanian folk history, which reflects old bread making traditions and national products history. The main task was to make a modern packaging graphics and design style system which can easily applied to new products and which makes design elements recognizable. The main graphic element, which separates products are nature landscapes and colour palette, that is made from real Lithuanian nature colours. In order to create modern feeling of the product,
nature landscapes were made from a few colour shapes that can be easily recognized as nature landscapes: sea, lake or field of ryes.
Collaboration with NotPerfect.
nature landscapes were made from a few colour shapes that can be easily recognized as nature landscapes: sea, lake or field of ryes.
Collaboration with NotPerfect.